Thursday, July 7, 2011

Abandonment Isuues

 I'll be the first to admit that we've been slacking on the new project but hear me out before you take us off your favorites list. Spring arrived and none of us would have noticed except for the fact that all of our crew started putting their street cars on the road. This also may not have been noticed too much except that they all decided to simultaneously come unglued. This incident also coincided with a looming race season and our realization that our big black wagon still needed a transmission and a host of neglected maintenance. So we pushed the altered into the corner and went to work repairing the rigs that needed our immediate attention.
Now don't get the impression that we haven't been working on the new car. We did manage to get the doors and fenders prepped and primed almost to the point of top coat. They also got hung in their final position which really makes us proud to see the car looking like a car. (albeit a funny one) There has also been extensive body work voodoo performed to make our Frankenwagon quarters look presentable when they have shiny paint on them. There is still plenty of panel massaging ahead of us but we feel like we're making headway and still hope to have some shakedown runs by the Fall.

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